of John T. Webb

(1) Do you "go to church" even though you feel something is missing?  or

(2) Do you NOT go to church because you KNOW something is missing but you're not sure what?  or

(3) Is your church perfect?

If you answered yes to number (3), I don't want to burst your bubble, so read no further - unless, of course, you're open to the possibility that you MIGHT learn something new.  If (1) or (2) applies and you are interested in learning some truths you haven't heard before, let's look at some things which might be missing from most worship services today that were present in first century worship.
See what TOLSTOY said
about TRUTH and what YOU believe.

I was brought up in, but am no longer a member of, a large modern church denomination.  I am not interested in promoting any particular creed except what is in the Bible.  I am not interested in what church leaders after the first century, including (especially) the first and second "Councils of Nicea," decided that church doctrine was to be.  I am not interested in celebrating pagan holidays.
I AM interested in what Abraham, Moses, and Jesus said.  I am interested in learning the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  It is my desire to worship and study with Christians who want to call Bible things by Bible names and do Bible things in Bible ways.  The many diverse modern denominations today seem to have no wish to do this.
Most of the customs and practices of today's churches were begun in the second century or later and are not found in the roots of our faith, Judaism.


Below are some questions that you may never have considered.  Most of them are seldom, if ever, raised in our modern churches.  And if they are, they are probably answered by denominational teachings that may have begun as late as the middle of the nineteenth century!  How much credence can we give to them?!  Well, I suppose we can believe them if we want to ignore the biblical background which is given to us.  But that certainly won't make them true!

How did the church begin?  Why do we say it began on Pentecost?  And what in the world does Pentecost mean?!

Why do we observe communion, or the Lord's Supper?  Because Jesus said to?  Did you know that the Lord's Supper is derived from a certain part of Passover and that very few churches today observe it as Jesus did in the upper room?

Are the Jews still God's chosen people, or does God cancel His promises?

Why do we have baptism?  Did John the Baptist institute baptism?  Did you know that John didn't even touch the people "he baptized?" Was baptism by immersion or sprinkling?  How and where were the three thousand baptized on the Day of Pentecost?

Was Jesus born on December 25?  Why do we observe Christmas on a pagan holiday which celebrates the new year in nature?

What is Easter?  Was Jesus in the tomb for three days and three nights?

What is a deacon, a presbyter, an elder?  Did Paul dream up these positions out of the blue?

What is a SOUL?  Did you know that the Hebrew word which is translated "soul" is also translated "life," "creature," "person," "slave," "death," "desire," and even "APPETITE"?  Did you know that Hell when mentioned in the Old Testament is the same Hebrew word that is translated the same number of times as "grave?"  How did the writers of the Old Testament know that it would some day come to mean a "place of everlasting torment"?  Where does the Old Testament mention your "immortal soul"? (or the New Testament, for that matter.)

Some of these questions are answered on other pages HERE

I highly recommend the HEBREW NAMES VERSION of the


Beit HaDerekh Site Index

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Last edited 1 May 2024