Looking from the synagogue toward what may be Peter's house in the background, covered by a
modern structure. There is some speculation that the house in the foreground may have been
Yeshua's. (Consider: was Yeshua a poor man? The wise men who visited him in his childhood
didn't bring just a few baubles. They were coming to pay homage to a KING!)
The synagogue at K'far Nachum (Capernaum), built in the late 4th century C.E.
The synagogue at K'far Nachum
Sign says, "The Late Fourth
Century A.D. 'White Synagogue' Built upon the Synagogue of Jesus." The black basalt stones
are from the first century synagogue.
Webmaster with Dr. Brad Young, November, 1991
Stone column at K'far Nachum. Carved inscription says, "Alpheus the son of Zebidah the son
of John made this column. May it be to him a blessing."
Columns on display near the synagogue. Notice the capitals in the form of scrolls.
Stone bench to one side in the synagogue.