The Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives. The Eastern (or Golden or Beautiful) Gate is at right center.
The Eastern (Golden, Beautiful) Gate. The Messiah is to return to Jerusalem through this gate. (An older gate was discovered below this one a few years ago.) The Mishna intimates that the priest offering the sacrifice on the Mount of Olives could look directly over this gate into the Temple.
The Eastern Gate from the Temple Mount.
A possible site of the First and Second Temples north of the Dome of the Rock where the supposed foundation stone of the Holy of Holies was located.
This cuppola stands over an outcropping of bedrock where the Holy of Holies may have been situated. The structure is called the "Dome of the Tablets" and the "Dome of the Spirit" by Muslims. It is aligned directly with the Eastern Gate and the possible place of sacrifice on the Mount of Olives.
The present-day Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives.
The southwestern corner of the Temple Mount, where the
"Pinnacle of the Temple" was located before its destruction in 70 C.E. The projection in the center of the photo is the remains of the support of Robinson's Arch which spanned the Tyropoeon Valley. The stone courses above this are from later construction during Arab and Turkish occupations.
At the base of the southwestern corner. The destruction level, these large stones remain where they fell from the top of the Temple Mount, thrown down by the Romans.
The Monumental Staircase (above the heads of the couple to the left of center) at the southern end of the Temple Mount. Neil Armstrong, after walking on the moon, walked up and down these steps and said that this meant more to him than walking on the moon, because some of these are the actual stone blocks upon which Yeshua walked.
The southern end of the Temple Mount and the archaeological excavations there, looking across the Kidron Valley from the Mount of Olives.
Part of the model city of Jerusalem at the King David Hotel.